Каралавы рай..... - без слоў

Апублікавана: 22.05.2022

This morning it's dry and our dear Grandpa actually appears on the horizon again - we almost filed a missing person report.

And of course, we want to take advantage of this dry phase immediately, so off we go - as always - snorkeling. For this, we have chosen Port Launey again, maybe you remember - here there were many colorful corals.

Arriving there, we go straight into the water and after a few meters, we end up in the middle of the aquarium again. Although the water is a bit more turbid today than during our first visit, we are no less excited. This time we snorkel a bit further out and are rewarded with an even greater variety of corals and fish. In addition to the countless small fish babies, there is also a huge school of fish, who are trying to avoid the new underwater residents scared - in the process, we are surrounded from all sides a few times. Incredible!!! We completely forget about the time, I think the pictures speak for themselves - even we have looked at them several times this evening and are excitedly looking back on this day. Definitely a lot of positive energy for the last few weeks in radiology, where in some situations we would have loved to just dive off like today :)...

Back out of the water, it starts raining heavily, and for the first time it's a bit chilly here in the tropics - who would have thought. Quickly change clothes in the car and off home. And even the entire drive back, the sky is crying, but we don't care with these unique pictures in our heads. 

In the afternoon, we plan a bit for the activities of the next few days, because from tomorrow onwards the sun will shine on us more again (we gladly send the rain back to Germany for now) and that has to be taken advantage of....

Shopping, organizing a visit to the local hospital for next week, taking a walk on the beach, and cooking - all of that is still on the agenda until evening and now we look forward to tomorrow - with definitely a lot of sunshine...


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