Reservas de la Biosfera
Reservas de la Biosfera

The impressive Tuparro Park

Апублікавана: 11.10.2018

Tuparro Park is a Colombian natural park founded in 1970. Declared a National Monument and Biosphere Reserve by UNESCO, El Tuparro National Natural Park is located in the eastern part of the Colombian Llanos in the department of Vichada and covers 548,000 hectares. It is fed by the Orinoco, Tomo, and Tuparro rivers, from which the park gets its name.

Tuparro Park could be described as an extensive green savanna crossed by large rivers with powerful rapids and golden beaches, small canals with crystal-clear water, gallery forests, morichales and saladillales, as well as huge crystal rocks in the shape of rounded hills. It is estimated that there are more than 320 species of birds here, many of them aquatic. It covers a territory that resembles a sea of grass, barely dotted with patches of forest and cut by lush forest corridors, which follow the course of the rivers. It is a clear expression of immense beauty of the Colombian Orinoco region.

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