Reisebriefe von Felix
Reisebriefe von Felix

A Day in Sydney

Апублікавана: 22.03.2017

The first 'real' day in Sydney starts off leisurely. We sleep in and then go grocery shopping. For the afternoon, we have chosen a free walking tour on the internet to explore the city's sights. However, we leave a little earlier as we want to grab a bite to eat. According to our friend and helper (the internet), there are some good and cheap restaurants in the Asian quarter. As often on our previous trip, we can rely on the recommendation. We eat homemade Asian noodles and dumplings. Delicious!

Strengthened, we make our way to the meeting point of the free walking tour. Our guide, a student born in Sydney, shows us the city center with the highlights of the Harbour Bridge and the Opera House over the next three hours. Unfortunately, it starts raining during our tour. Good thing we packed our rain jackets. Even though we are well equipped, we only get to see the Harbour Bridge and the Opera House in the rain. Since we are already pretty wet by now, we decide to walk back to our accommodation. 1 ½ hours later, completely soaked, we arrive at our rental hosts. Even today, a day later, my shoes are still as wet as if I just pulled them out of the washing machine.

Tired and exhausted, we go to sleep. Since the weather forecast also predicts rain for tomorrow afternoon, we want to get up early tomorrow. After all, the sunny hours of the day have to be used.


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