my new zealand blog
my new zealand blog

Dunedin & Otago Peninsula

Апублікавана: 12.01.2017

In Dunedin we stayed until January 2, 2017, which was our longest stay in one place so far.

The most interesting thing during this time for me was our day trip to the peninsula south of Dunedin. There we were first at a beautiful beach where the seals and sea lions come out of the water and come up to the beach.

After that we went for a little hike...

By the way, there are actually sheep everywhere here, just as you imagine. You can maybe see the white dots in the background of the picture here.
I was even woken up by sheep at 6 a.m. and we couldn't continue driving because the whole road was full of sheep.

We were rewarded for our hike, among other things, with this view...

You can also see sheep in this picture... have fun finding them :D

or this one:


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