Mission Surf in Unstad - August 30th

Апублікавана: 05.09.2019

We're on our way again, our destination is Unstad, the surf spot in the Lofoten Islands. On our way there, we make a detour to Henningsvær, a small fishing village. Here, the Henningsvær IL plays football on a very special field. The location is unique...! Let's take a closer look at it.

After that, we continue over single-lane bridges with traffic lights...there are a lot of bridges here...!

On our way, we pass by the Viking Museum and we're considering giving another museum a try. So we did it...after 30 minutes, we were back outside...no more museums here...that was also not great...!

We go shopping and manage to spend 700 NOK on just 10 items...looks like we'll have to cut the dog food...!

Unstad is located in a small valley with a white sandy beach surrounded by high mountains. On the way there, we have to drive through a tunnel that is single-lane, 600 meters long...through sheer rock...amazing. We cautiously move forward, in the middle we come across a huge motorhome, but it easily reverses back to the next bay. After that, we are greeted by a beautiful valley with about 20 houses and a great beach.

At the end of the road, there is a parking lot with a gate. Here, you can throw 150 NOK into a mailbox and spend the night. Toilet available, perfect. It gives a bit of a feeling of the upcoming Mission Surf in October. We are living in a parking lot with the typical crooks in rusted buses and boards in the trunk. No sight of white huge fridges, nice...a different clientele! The Silver Wolf is already here :)

We talk to a friendly Norwegian from Stavanger, he says today will be the last good day for surfing for now. Others agree and as the evening progresses, you see more and more people in full-body wetsuits...from head to toe...!

We enjoy the evening and later look forward to the bus, with a view of the sea...beautiful!

The morning is fresh and chilly, this time we have a cat wash in the bus, no showers available. We have a cozy coffee and sing a birthday song to my sister.

A last look at the truly great bay and off we go...!

Адказ (1)

Ihr habt übrigens total falsch gesungen, ich dachte ihr hättet schon wieder 🍺 getrunken

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