Froschland - France - Berck - September 24th

Апублікавана: 26.09.2019

The night was wet, not only outside...we had our third water damage, but not from our sink, but from our dog...! He had an accident because he apparently consumed too much saltwater the night before. We know the routine and took him out twice before going to bed, and usually he lets us know when he needs to go...but...this time he just had an accident, and it was quite a mess...Mealtime! Dog blanket wet, carpet wet, towel wet...everything wet! We tried to clean up the worst during the night and put the wet blankets under the bus, since it's wet outside as well, it's raining again. I can hear our dear Joliver saying: 'Having a dog brings joy...!' Mostly yes...sometimes not so much...!

The bus looks like a mess the next morning, but there's nothing we can do about it now. We found a bathroom mat and a towel that will temporarily cover the floor. The carpet is not only wet, but also muddy from the outside...! Today, I wouldn't have been surprised if someone asked us if we were going to Romania. We put the wet clothes in a trash bag and continue our journey, it's pouring rain!

We arrive in Berck around 2:30 pm after driving about 200 km, and check in at a large campground. Five stars, with a slide and all...we realize after paying that it's complete bullshit! We seriously have to pay 8€ for the dog...8 damn euros...for the dog...who, as we know, also fills up the toilets and takes long showers...outrageous...we've paid up to 4€ before and found it expensive, but 8€ is a complete mystery to us...! Otti, if this continues, we'll have to cut back on food :) In return, we've taken about 100 poop bags from the dispenser to somehow offset the 8€. The camping spot is not nice, the sanitary building is not clean, and the damn slide is already closed for the winter! So, it's not even close to being a five-star place, not even stardust! Plus, it's raining...what's going on here?

After about half an hour, the weather changes and the sun comes out again. We decide to take a walk into the village. The campground is right behind the dunes, the only good thing about it. The beach is huge, similar to The Hague. It takes some time to reach the water. The old bunkers are standing in the dunes and we feel like we're back in France, beautiful! The sun is really warm and we have to take off our jackets, wonderful! In the village, we have an espresso and stroll through the town before we return to the campground in the early evening. We enjoy some fresh baguette in the evening sun, then it gets chilly and windy, and I retreat to the Pippibus to finally summarize the past few days in writing. Jörn goes to bed early and I sit at the computer until 10:30 pm, then I'm done and go to bed with a book and read for half an hour. Then the lights are off! During the night, it's stormy again's raining...! How are we going to dry the Pippibus and the laundry in that weather???

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Hallo ihr Lieben, habe seit kurzem von Rolf die Zugangsdaten für euren Blog bekommen und bin begeistert. Tolle Sache. Jörn ist immer vortrefflich getroffen - oben ein Modell-Typ. Hätte gerne mehr von der lieben Jill. Wenn ihr noch in Frankreich sein solltet, probiert doch einmal einen von mir besonders als gut schmeckenden Aperetiv (auf Eis) - Ambassadeur, den habe ich zum ersten Mal in Monaco im Café de París probiert. Gibt es in Deutschland nicht zu kaufen und habe mir von Freunden immer mal eine Pulle mitbringen lassen. Wenn ihr ihn mal findet und ihr probiert, dann biite auf mein persönlichen Wohl!!! Euch alles Liebe aus Velbert von der Bri

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