Thailand - Smile, a language that everyone understands

Апублікавана: 25.04.2017

Thailand was simply wonderful! After a week in Bangkok, I went to Chiang Mai. Here, I spent most of my time with a local family. The hospitality of the entire village was amazing, even though no one spoke English, we understood each other well. I was in Thailand at the perfect time, as Songkran, the Thai New Year, was being celebrated. It is tradition here to arm yourself with water guns, water balloons, buckets... and make sure no one stays dry. This was especially fun because of the hot weather. Of course, I also enjoyed all the other things: my cottage in the middle of nature, singing and dancing with the locals, visiting temples, and most importantly, the often interesting but always delicious food!

'You have to search for happiness on the journey, not at the destination, because that's where the journey ends.'


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