Getting lost somewhere in the mountains

Апублікавана: 30.07.2019

Calp- Altea- Guadelest- Benassau - Villajoyosa- Alicante- Calp

Distance: 190km

Well the title already says everything I guess. My original plan was to go to Guadelest which is a tiny town in the mountainside of Calp but I guess after that I took the 'wrong' road and ended up somewhere further (my GPS abandoned me this time and Spain is not really known for clear road signs or indications). So I had to chose the old fashioned way of using a map. Nevertheless, the roads and the surrounding landscape were gorgeous even though some parts of the roads were completely destroyed, bumpy and full of gravel which made driving not that easy. And in addition to that I was the only one. From my way to Guadelest to Benaussau I met absolute no-one which wasn't really that reassuring either. After Benaussau the GPS signal came back and I could find my way back to the seaside, heading to Villajoyosa (nice beach and less people which is not that evident at this time of the year) and to Alicante where I was meeting my friend Donatella from two years ago. Paella time!

Der Titel sagt eigentlich schon alles. Ich hatte nur einen kleinen Abstecher in die Berge geplant, aber da mein gps irgendwann der Meinung war nicht mehr kommunizieren zu wollen, musste ich mehr oder weniger improvisieren und die gute alte Strassenkarte rausholen. Der Abstecher wurde dann zum Tagesausflug bzw Nachmittagsausflug. Hat sich aber wirklich gelohnt denn die Landschaft war einfach atemberaubend und dazu noch war ich ganz allein . Ich glaube ich habe zwischen Guadelest, was noch relativ touristisch ist, und Villajojosa nur 2 Autos gesehen, welche mir entgegenkamen.

Angekommen in Villajojosa, gab es eine kurze aber verdiente Pause am Strand und ich bin weiter auf der Landstraße Richtung Alicante, wo ich Donatella zum Abendbrot getroffen habe. Und es gab Paella!


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