6. A day in Graz

Апублікавана: 15.03.2023

Day 6: Today we explored Graz a bit. First, we took the bus from the parking lot in the Straßgang district to Jakominiplatz in the inner city. Then we walked along the Opernring to the Graz Opera, where we heard a soprano voice singing inside. Up next were the Cathedral and the Mausoleum of Emperor Ferdinand II.

The ascent to the Schlossberg, located 123m above the city, is definitely worth it. Not only because of the bastion, the Kasematten-Schlossbühne, and the Uhrturm, the city's landmark, but also because of the beautiful 360-degree view of the city. We went down to the Schlossplatz via the steep Kriegssteig, where you can walk through a tunnel under the Schlossberg.

After so much history, we went to the ultra-modern Kunsthaus to have some coffee and cake. The grand finale includes the magnificent City Hall and Herrengasse with its splendid buildings and shops inside.

All in all, Graz is a city with many well-preserved historical buildings, plenty of cozy restaurants and cafes, and lots of young people out on the streets. In short, it is definitely worth a visit.


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