Black Forest - Wieden February 2017

Апублікавана: 05.03.2018

For our anniversary on 02.02., we wanted to get away. Unfortunately, it was a Thursday and since we didn't get any time off, we decided to at least go to the Black Forest over the weekend from 03-05.02.2017. I found a great deal on Urlaubsguru for the 'Berghotel Wiedener Eck'..

Friday: Wieden

So on Friday, right after work, we headed to the Black Forest. The drive took about 2 hours and then we arrived in the snowy Wieden. The hotel made a cozy first impression.

Since it was soon going to get dark, we didn't do much. We spent some time in the hotel's pool area and got ready for dinner. A 4-course menu was already included in the price. We could choose between three delicious main courses. The food was definitely the highlight here! Simply indescribably delicious. They also served game meat from their own hunt. And even though I don't usually eat game, I really enjoyed the wild boar ham that was served as a second appetizer! So we went to bed well-fed and very satisfied, ready for the next day.

Saturday: Titisee and Feldberg

The morning greeted us with a beautiful sunrise. It looked promising. Unfortunately, it didn't stay that way. After a very delicious breakfast, we headed to Titisee-Neustadt. We had been here before, not for the first time. We visited this place in the summer once. And I have to say, it was much more picturesque than it is now in winter. Unfortunately, it had gotten quite cloudy and gray. We took a walk around the lake. Later, it started snowing quite heavily, so we retreated to a cafe and had something warm to drink.

Later in the day, we had planned to visit Feldberg. Which we did, but then a nasty snowstorm broke out. So we didn't stay up there for very long, but instead hurried back to the car, soaked and freezing, and drove back to the hotel.

Google isn't always right!

Well, unfortunately, we were using Google Maps for navigation. Instead of taking us on the wonderfully paved road, it directed us onto a small country road, where there was a steep drop on one side. The road was getting more and more snowed in and eventually we couldn't move forward or backward. We could already see the hotel from a distance, but due to the snow, we couldn't make any progress. Luckily, Luke had brought snow chains. However, he didn't follow my suggestion of trying out the snow chains at home first, so he couldn't figure out how to put them on the tires. He had never put on snow chains before... Slowly, we started to panic and I was about to walk to the hotel for help. Then a larger SUV came from behind. The driver got out and kindly helped us put on the snow chains, so we were able to make it the last few meters to the hotel. Funny enough, it turned out to be our chef. Nice to meet the man who prepared these absolutely delicious dishes for us! :D

Feeling quite frozen, we treated ourselves to a hot shower in the room before going to dinner later. This time, it was delicious again!

Sunday: Departure via Freiburg

Since we were only here for the weekend, we started our journey back home on Sunday. Unfortunately, the weather didn't improve at all. It had not stopped snowing, so we decided to keep the snow chains on for the drive down to the valley. The lower we got, the more the snow turned into rain. So we had to stop and take off the snow chains again. Our plan was to visit Freiburg before we left, to grab a bite to eat there. Besides the fact that the weather was simply miserable, Freiburg was like a ghost town! Hardly any restaurants were open, almost no people on the streets. So we spontaneously decided to go to a thermal bath near Freiburg. It was nice, but quite crowded. We didn't stay there for too long. So we drove back home quite early.

End of the winter trip

The hotel in Wieden was worth it alone because of the food. However, I would rather come here in spring or summer, when the weather is better and there is no snow... After this weekend, I had definitely had enough of snow and cold!


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