33 Stage "Dushanbe, Tajikistan"

Апублікавана: 21.07.2024

The trip to Dushanbe today was certainly one of the most interesting. After the satnav sent me a little way through Khujand in search of a petrol station, the route south became increasingly interesting. A well-developed pass, a great landscape and pleasant temperatures - everything you need for a good motorcycle tour. On the way I met a young couple from Serbia with their R1150 GSA. We immediately exchanged our WP data, as they are also on their way to the Pamir. My accommodation confirmed its reputation as a meeting point for travelers through the Pamir Mountains. The courtyard was full of bicycles and motorcycles. The owners are spread across Europe.

Tomorrow I will take care of the registration and the GBAO. At the moment I am still considering whether I should spend a few more days in Dushanbe or not.

July 22, 2024: After breakfast, I walked to the OVIR office, about 2 km away. It wasn't very busy, so I was able to complete the first part of the registration and application for the GBAO after 15 minutes. Cost: 320 Somoni. Gerrit and Anne joined us a little later and after they had done their part, we walked a little further through the city. I was supposed to come back at 4 p.m. to pick up the documents. That was also a quick affair.

In the meantime, a group of motorcyclists has formed who will set off for the Pamirs at more or less the same time. However, the ambitions of the others are much higher than mine, so I will decide along the way to continue the tour alone if necessary.

After all the formalities are completed, I will spend a little time planning the next few days tomorrow.

Адказ (2)

Hallo Bruno! Viele Grüße aus dem Siegerland, habe mir eine Autokarte von Zentralasien gekauft, können deine Touren so besser verfolgen. Auf dem Pamir Highway liegen noch hohe Pässe und Berge auf deinem Weg. Schaue auf YouTube reiseberichte von anderen Leuten die die gleiche Tour gemacht haben. Bei uns ist alles okay. Wünsche dir noch eine tolle Zeit und ohne Unfall. Viele Grüße Peter und Hiltrud

Hallo Peter, schön von euch zu hören. Morgen geht es los von Dushanbe auf den Pamir Highway. Morgen geht es los. Wir sind eine kleine Gruppe von Motorradfahrern. Bin gespannt wie es wird. Grüße an alle ins Siegerland.
