01/09 - The adventure begins

Апублікавана: 03.09.2016

Note: If you have already heard about the journey and its problems at home or if you are not interested, please skip this blog entry and continue reading the next one, thank you :)

Actually, my adventure started before September 1st. You can imagine that for a 4-month stay, there is a lot to organize, take care of, and do. The day before my departure, everything was taken care of, except for the 'worst' part - saying goodbye to my best friend. If you have ever been in a similar situation, you can imagine how we felt. Saying goodbye to my brother, his girlfriend, and my relatives was also difficult for me, goodbyes are just not my thing. Nevertheless, the journey started on September 1st, my parents took me to the airport in Vienna. That actually deserves its own blog entry.

Vienna Airport - Failures, Bad Luck, and Mishaps - thanks for the experience!

My flight to London was supposed to depart at 2:10 pm. However, I was unable to check-in because the plane was still in London and in case of a rebooking, it was better to keep the luggage with me. For 2 hours, we were told that the plane in London would depart in 5 minutes, and then we could check-in. To make a long story short, my connecting flight was rebooked, which I could definitely catch, so I was finally allowed to check-in my luggage. That was at 12:15 pm. We were supposed to receive more information about when the flight to London could start at 2:15 pm. But - nothing! At 2:15 pm, we were told that the next information would be available at 4 pm, but waiting that long and risking that I wouldn't reach the connecting flight on time was too risky. Moreover, we were told that it was still uncertain if the flight to London would be operated on that day at all. So the nice lady at the airport rebooked me. Instead of flying to Cork via London, I flew via Amsterdam. My already checked-in luggage was supposed to be taken out and transferred to the other plane and arrive in Cork with me, at the latest (and that allegedly won't happen) on Friday afternoon. So, guess who is still sitting here on Saturday evening without luggage #fail #thanksViennaAirport #theycantfindmybagsanymore

Then, I had to say goodbye to my parents. Did I mention that I hate goodbyes? Thank you, Mom and Dad, for waiting until I passed the security check - I'm looking forward to you visiting me soon :* (then I have to say goodbye again, oh noooo!)

After an endless long day, I finally arrived in Cork. My landlady had been waiting for me for a long time and brought me to my new home. Open the door, go in, and feel at home, do you know that feeling? That's exactly how I feel here. She quickly showed me the house and its many features, and then it was finally time to go to bed - without a suitcase but overjoyed to finally be here.

