Second Home

Апублікавана: 28.12.2018

Yesterday, I just wanted to find accommodation for the next few weeks (a beautiful, weatherproof, dark blue tent), but by the end of the day I was invited for tea and dinner three times. I met new people and saw old friends again. Without announcing myself, I met the Tibetan (Pumpernickel) baker and his family and visited my old neighborhood. I haven't seen all these people for over two years, but I was immediately welcome everywhere. So warm, simply beautiful. Although I realized that I knew relatively little about the people who were my neighbors for months. That's why it's even more wonderful to get to know them better now. When I told someone in Germany that I was flying back to Nepal, someone said, 'Oh, are you visiting your second home?' Because of the people I met yesterday, it feels exactly like that.

Now I'm on a microbus and will probably reach Sindhuli in the next 5-7 hours (if I've learned anything here, it's that travel plans rarely work), where I will spend the next few weeks at the All Hands & Hearts project.
