
Tag 100 - Eight instead of four hours drive - Thank you Tour de France! 🚲

Nəşr edilmişdir: 10.07.2019

Hi guys!

This morning we took it easy because we only had four hours of driving ahead of us and wanted to be fit in the evening.

We left around 11am heading towards home. Kevin drove at first, and during that time I took care of all the girly stuff that needs to be done. After about 2 hours of driving, we switched places and everything was still going according to plan: planned arrival time, 3:30pm.

Suddenly, the navigation system took us through very narrow streets and up a pass. We thought it was strange - maybe a shortcut????

Along the way, we saw countless cyclists! We joked about it: Just because they have the "Tour de France" here, it seems like everyone is riding a bicycle. Don't they have to work? :)

We kept driving and driving... Dead end, road closed! Okay, let's find another way. We already encountered someone from Poland who was coming from the opposite direction and said, "No chance, it doesn't go any further there either." Eventually, we realized that the Tour de France is actually happening right now! There were vehicles parked on the sides of the roads, with the occupants desperately looking for a detour on their phones. Not a single road sign was put up, nothing at all! The police officers only let us know that we had to turn back, but they also didn't give any advice on where to go... After several attempts, we found a detour through another pass. The route would be fantastic with a motorcycle, but with the camper... We had to take a short break going downhill because our brakes had gotten too hot...

We actually arrived in Otelfingen at 6pm! It wasn't planned that way... But we were really glad to have arrived at all :).

We quickly went shopping and then went straight to Roman's. It's his birthday today and we promised to visit. We had a really great evening! We saw our friends, drank, ate, laughed, and chatted together.

Now it's already really late and we say "good night".

See you tomorrow ;)

Cavab verin (3)

Ach Gott, diese ekligen Sportler!!!

😂😂😂 ja!!!!

Nachträglich, alles gueti🥂🍾 zum Geburtstag Roman🎉

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