
The Panorama Route

Nəşr edilmişdir: 11.09.2018


After a leisurely start to the day, I set off on the Panorama Route, said to be one of the most beautiful routes in South Africa, with the sun shining brightly. The first stop is the Sabie Falls, surrounded by a green garden.

The water plunges into the depths from steep cliffs. A beautiful sight, especially as you can walk right up to the edge of the cliffs. Something that would simply be impossible in Germany.

Only the stupid bridges in the background are annoying.

At the Mac Mac Pool and Falls, the landscape could easily pass for European, if it weren't for the local souvenirs waiting to be taken by tourists.

I find the conditions under which the workers carve their animal figures, blacken them in the fire, and then create the textures with scratching much more exciting than the lame waterfall. What painstaking work! My heart bleeds, and I buy a little giraffe from an old grandpa for a few rand.

Then I continue on to The Pinnacle.

Next, I head to God's Window.

After that, it's straight to Wonder View and Bourke's Luck Potholes.

The best comes last: the view of the Blyde River Canyon. I've seen countless pictures of it before the trip and absolutely had to go there. Unfortunately, I underestimated the time and dawdled, so I arrive at the gate of the reserve at 4:56 PM and the lady behind the counter explains that they are already closed. After begging and pleading for a while, she generously allows me to continue. Phew, lucky me.

The canyon is bathed in golden light and long shadows fall from the mountains onto the valleys. The view is breathtaking.

I'm practically the last one here, so I have to take selfies. Best from the spots without railings, with large rocks right on the steep slope. I simply don't have time to be scared, haha.

I unfortunately can't make it to the caves now because it's getting dark rapidly. But it doesn't matter. I am so happy right now.

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