A great place to reflect on the history of World War II from a non-Western perspective.
Regensburg should be called the westernmost city in Ukraine.
Left my independence for safekeeping at the airport!
Great for hiking and especially for admiring birdsong.
Of cliffs, black earth and sand like chocolate!
This is the trail you want to walk if you are in Auckland and have a car!
Home is where your heart is!
My feeling on the ground tells me that Adelaide is quite underrated.
Wow! Of new exhibition standards!
Complex identities, ambiguities, people with more than just one origin are also on the trail here.
I think I have the answer to my question about what excites me so much about this region!
Nobody said this would be easy!
How the current moves you forward, how the waves can be felt on, and even more in, the body.
“Something like that is definitely hard to come by! There’s a lot of things that don’t exist in Aust...
"That would somehow be a conclusion, maybe even the end of my search."
Why keep running? The surroundings are just too beautiful!
Dear universe, if there is something there, I am a grateful “buyer”. :D
Almost three months in Canada and (almost) once through the entire north of North America.
... falling asleep by the water with the sound of waves and waking up again, feeling my feet until t...
I don't know why I shouldn't do that either.
I know Canada is very big. Now I really believe it too.
"Müxtəlifliyi qeyd etmək və mədəni anlaşmanı təşviq etmək." - bu, Vinnipeqdəki multikultural festiva...
Bu sərgi deyil. Bu sənət əsəridir, sənət əsəridir!
Festivallar, mədəni kitsch və Manitobaya köç hekayələri
Work in progress in my mind, in the best sense.
I can't remember anymore what Tanka was drying there, but it tasted good - like a kind of dried saue...