
09-28|01|2020, Sometimes you just have to be lucky

Nəşr edilmişdir: 28.01.2020

Hi guys,

it's been a long time since I last spoke up! We're currently in the midst of our work routine, which, along with a bit of laziness, probably explains why there hasn't been any news from me for so long!

We've been here in Melbourne for almost two weeks now. After the disaster at the apple packhouse, I have to announce that we got lucky this time. Not only do we have the privilege of working here in Melbourne, where every backpacker wants to work, but we also have a relatively good job and unbelievably good luck with accommodation.

To give you an idea of our job, you basically have to imagine a recycling yard. Our task is literally to rummage through the trash, which sounds worse than it actually is. So we sort all kinds of trash that companies/households throw away, and you would be amazed at what some people throw in the garbage.

We work a regular work week from Monday to Friday, from 6am to 3pm, which means we can spend our weekends freely with weekend trips or exploring this city of 4.5 million inhabitants. Melbourne itself is really great and so far definitely our favorite city here in Australia.

Now for our incredible luck regarding our accommodation, which actually describes the differences in hospitality and mentality between Germany and Australia quite well. Since the beginning of our time here in Melbourne, we have been allowed to live with "Micha & Bones", a German-Australian couple. Out of pure helpfulness and kindness, they initially offered us to stay with them for the first few days, as it is not that easy to find accommodation in this area. However, since we all get along very well and we are supposedly "very pleasant" flatmates, the two of them have now simply offered us to stay as long as we like, and what can I say? We have our own room, our own fridge, and even our own bathroom, so we decided to accept the offer, although I still can't believe this kindness.

So basically, we're doing great. We're gradually saving up all the money we need for our further journey and staying far away from the fires, sandstorms, and other extremes that are currently raging in the country.

Greetings from Melbourne, Australia!🇦🇺

Your Tim!😊

Cavab verin (3)


😊 Klingt wirklich sehr gut.... gegönnt ❤️ genießt die Zeit!
