
Helsinki- Join in!

Nəşr edilmişdir: 05.06.2020

Helsinki is a capital by the sea. This city is really worth visiting! The people are so kind and will help you in every situation. However, there are a few things a traveler to Helsinki should keep in mind:

- Don't drive a car in winter if you don't have experience. You may be putting people's lives in danger.

- If you are angry while driving a car, you should not blow the horn because the Finns consider it extremely rude.

- You mustn't say to the Finns that they are Scandinavian. They are Finns and really proud of it.

- You should try the Finnish specialties like fish or potatoes. But you shouldn't say that the food is disgusting.

- When you are in public transport, don't talk too loudly. It has more to do with not disturbing others than maintaining the Finnish silence.

The most important thing is to enjoy your trip! xoxo Ayleen

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