georgunterwegs 2021
georgunterwegs 2021

Day 12: What's next? Planning day in Sisak

Nəşr edilmişdir: 01.07.2021

that's the question.

I want to go to Mostar, but how? The mountains might be too challenging. Train? Bus? Here in Sisak, I'll have a planning day, open to different possibilities. I've already looked at the map towards the north 'just because' :-).

... and found a bus to Prijedor (Bosnia and Herzegovina), and a guest house there.

... but the bus was small and full, so I'm back in the hotel room :-). Who knows, maybe it was a stroke of luck. It has gotten cooler and dark clouds are forming.

Cavab verin (2)

Moin Georg, deine bisherige Radstrecke macht echt Eindruck und Busfahren ist doch auch mal schön. Gemütlich-fröhliche Weiterreise! LG Inge

Jetzt bist du richtig im Osten angekommen - mit all seinen Facetten. Gute Weiter-Reise.