
18.02.2020 - Day 55 - Playa del Carmen, Mexico

Nəşr edilmişdir: 19.02.2020

Today, part of the Rottberg/Flesch travel group took a beautiful and quite long tour to the ancient Mayan buildings and pyramids, while the other part enjoyed a lazy day of relaxation. Guess who was the lazy one 😂😂.

In other words: Brigitte was picked up from the hotel at around 7 am. Hans and Kirsten had invited her to a great tour with a private driver and guide. I was supposed to join as well, but when I heard that the excursion lasts for 8 hours, I declined. From experience, I know that excursions of this length eventually become tiresome and I become cranky, especially since they usually last longer than predicted. I didn't want to put the three of them through that 😊.

Brigitte then told me about her beautiful day during dinner when she returned after approximately 11.5 (!!!) hours, exhausted but happy with her experience. Overall, it was quite exhausting but also very interesting. First, they went to "Ek Balam," an excavation site in the middle of the jungle, where you can admire many Maya structures and even climb the pyramids there. After that, they headed to the main destination of the tour, the famous ruins of "Chichén Itzá." A special place that has been declared a UNESCO World Heritage Site and is one of the most important cultural sites of the Maya civilization. The main attraction there is the large step pyramid, which you can no longer climb. Afterwards, the excursion group went to one of the many cave cenotes, where you can swim in the green, clear water.

And since Brigitte is not only interested in culture but also a very caring wife 😍, she bought me two reading glasses from a supermarket in Valladolid, one of which I am currently wearing on my nose 😊. By the way, I have somehow managed to get rid of all the reading glasses I brought with me in the last few weeks ☺️.

On the other hand, my day consisted of lying on the beach, falling into the pool, reading a lot, and enjoying plenty of Strawberry Margaritas 😉. Besides, I thought to myself: our beach villa is so damn expensive per day, someone should at least spend the money here. So, I sacrificed myself 😂😂😂

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...gut gemacht! 😉

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