

Nəşr edilmişdir: 13.07.2021

Dear travel diary

Saturday, July 10th

Today I stayed in bed until 9:00 am, a record in the hostel. Then we prepared breakfast and sat outside for a while. Or rather, until about 4:00 pm.

In the meantime, we said goodbye to Joelle, who is continuing her journey to Big Island, had cornflakes for lunch, and took another little nap.

When I was more or less rested, we walked into town and enjoyed a Maui-brewed ginger beer in a café. There, we planned our next week in the new place with the car and also got an overview of Kauai.

Back at the hostel, we soon cooked dinner and had a cozy chat. So this day ended comfortably and relaxing.

Sunday, July 11th, 2021

Last night was terrible. The new people in the room were not considerate of the others in the room and were really loud, and Chef (his name) was shouting throughout the hostel in the evening. I also had a nonsense dream and woke up early again. The running, the loud slamming of the door, the unpacking, and the alarm clock ringing every ten minutes started again.

At some point, I reached a point where it annoyed me so much that anger built up in me. I would have liked to have yelled at these people and showed them how to properly close the door, walk without shuffling, and get up on the first alarm instead of hitting snooze. Also, my whole bed shook when the door was not closed carefully.

My loud and annoyed snorting, my angry glances, and the demonstratively slow and quiet closing of the door helped a little. And as if that wasn't enough, our room now also smells like grass, and I feel like I'm rolled up in a joint myself.

Shortly before the match started, we made breakfast and sat in the courtyard to watch the final. Like every game I watched so far, this one also went into overtime and penalties. We cheered loudly for the English team and were disappointed by the narrow defeat afterward.

In the kitchen, we met Max, who told us that he (Max, Jack, and Chef) have to leave the hostel today due to an incident involving Chef's behavior. Being the curious person that I am, I listened in on his phone conversation with a colleague and overheard certain facts. Shortly afterwards, we talked to them about it, and they told us the whole story. Too bad for Max and Jack that they have to leave already!

Our tour didn't start until 1:00 pm and took us to a beach near Makena Beach. There we could enjoy the afternoon at the beach, although it was windy and cloudy once again. So I got coated from head to toe and I didn't dare to go into the water either, as the temperatures were not very warm.

With dusk approaching, we moved a few meters to the right to see a drum and fire spectacle as advertised. However, we ended up at a nudist beach, consisting of all sorts of hippie-like people smoking one joint after another and dancing wildly to the drum music. Somewhat overwhelmed by this sight and the mixture of smells of grass, sweat, and incense sticks, we sat there on the beach and tried to soak up this indescribable atmosphere.

Once the sun had set, we made our way back home, had dinner, and went to bed.

Monday, July 12th, 2021

Today is the long-awaited change of accommodation on Maui. From the hostel to the Airbnb. From chaos to order and from public to privacy. After the last few days, I had had enough of hostel life, that's for sure.

With a lot of luggage, we took an Uber to the airport and picked up our car, alias ship. Once again a pickup truck with which we can now explore the island on our own.

After a stop at Foodland to stock up for lunch, we drove along the west coast to the Olivine Pools.

After a path over loose and solid stones, we reached the naturally created pools. Unfortunately, they were not very attractive for swimming. So we turned around and walked back to the car.

Continuing along the coast road, it became narrower and more winding. Secretly, I just hoped that no car would come towards me and that I would have to maneuver on this road. Of course, however, one car came towards me at the narrowest point. Fortunately, this car turned around, and the car in front of me and ours were able to pass it.

At around 3:00 pm, we finally arrived at our new home and were warmly greeted by Tom, the owner. Our Airbnb is cozy and has a nice outdoor area with a partial view of the sea. Wonderful to end the evenings on the terrace. We prepared our dinner in our outdoor kitchen, which is also the only place to cook.

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