Australien 2019
Australien 2019

Cape Le Grand Coastal Track and pictures of the last 2 days

Nəşr edilmişdir: 17.03.2019

Yesterday it was clear and sunny all day. But today it is mostly cloudy, which gives us a particularly colorful sunrise in our "cosy nest" on the roof of our camper. We take advantage of the weather to plan the next few days and do some gymnastics again.

In the afternoon, we set out to hike a section of the Coastal Track. We already did a small section of it yesterday. Today we want to start where we left off yesterday. The section goes from Thistle Cove to Hellfire Bay. The trail is exceptionally diverse, with granite hills, dense vegetation, and secluded bays. But the trail is also significantly more challenging than the section yesterday. It goes up and down, sometimes quite steeply. You walk a lot on rock slabs, which provide good grip but are also quite uneven over long stretches. You always have to watch where you step. And all of this in a landscape that you can't take your eyes off. There are also little obstacles that can only be overcome on all fours.

Not only the trail, but also the scenery steps it up a notch. It's a pity that the lighting from the sky is missing, so the colors and contrasts are not as beautiful as yesterday. Nevertheless, the beaches still look inviting. But we don't swim, instead we prefer to watch the dolphin family frolicking in Little Hellfire Bay.

So far, all campsites in Australia have been very quiet in the evenings and at night. Really exemplary! But today two older ladies have settled in on the site next to us. And they chat incessantly at an extremely loud volume. I think they can't hear well anymore, otherwise I can't explain it.

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