Caye Caulker - Hallo Belice ukat juk’ampinaka

Uñt’ayata: 09.04.2018

After we returned from Cuba, we had one more day in Mexico - Chetumal. It is located near the border with Belize. We read on the internet that you can easily get to the island by water taxi from there. It was the first time we left a country by sea, and we had to pay an exit fee of 533 pesos per person. It took quite a long time because many people wanted to leave. You have the option to exchange money on site to be able to pay on the spot. In Belize, you pay with Belize dollars. Before we could board the ship, our luggage was inspected by the Navy, including a drug-sniffing dog - everything was fine and our luggage and we were allowed on the boat.

First, we went to San Pedro, where all passengers had to disembark to enter Belize. Because there were many people on the boat, it also took quite a long time! We arrived around six o'clock in the evening after about four hours. We spent the Easter weekend there and did not expect it to be so busy, but due to the holidays, many locals spent their vacation on the island. We slept at Sophie's Guest Rooms - right by the sea. It was very nice there.

Caye Caulker is a small and manageable island. Many people go there because it is very relaxed, there are nice restaurants, bars, and cafes to linger, and the motto is "Go Slow". A little hippie island. On our first days, we got to know the island differently because it was very crowded due to Easter. There were many parties where both locals and tourists drank, danced, and celebrated.

We spent our time on site relaxed. On one day, we went on a snorkeling tour, which is offered all over the island. It was quite interesting because we could see many different animals - turtles, nurse sharks, manatees, and other large fish.

The island is great and we can definitely recommend it. We got to know the island in two ways - once as a party island and on the other hand as it really is - completely relaxed and calm.

Since we don't have much time left, we are heading directly to Guatemala and won't visit any other destination in Belize.

Next stop is Flores in Guatemala.


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