Suns, city and more

Uñt’ayata: 07.11.2019

Yes, I know, it's actually called: Sun, beach and sea.

I'm really good at making plans and then 1. it always turns out differently and 2. than I thought. But still, it works - so far. So I took a turbus to Valparaíso (according to plan). A very relaxed bus ride, the bus station was not. Then I took a taxi. When I got out of the taxi, shouldering my huge backpack, the owner came up to me. When he asked if he could take it off me, I said: no gracias, I can manage. But that was before I saw how high it goes up. Okay, grit your teeth and climb up with shaky legs. And then it surprised me: a green oasis in the midst of this noisy built-up city. There is so much to discover here, I'm looking forward to it!!

I follow Pablo Neruda: "Who climbs his hills, gets to know the world."

And today I apologize in advance for the many graffiti photos. Because there will be more of them, promised 😉

Jaysawi (2)

Schön gelandet. Nun mehr Eindrücke sammeln. Bis morgen der neue Bericht folgt

Das gibt Muckis

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