Tag 100 - better

Uñt’ayata: 12.08.2019


Day of departure!


No, wait!
Although Jonna's condition has improved, her body is not yet in a state to be transported in a car for longer than 30 minutes. Therefore, we ask the ladies at the hostel again if we can stay one more night. The owner makes a short phone call and then tells me: 'Alright!'

However, when she brings us breakfast, she tells us that we have to change rooms. There is one available further ahead; it's cheaper but doesn't have Wi-Fi. Hmm, if we're going to stay in the room all day, Wi-Fi would be nice. So we decide to change hostels and choose one that is only 500 meters away - booked!

We pack our things, pay our bill, and make our way to the new hostel. Within five minutes, we are at the reception waiting for staff who, since we only booked half an hour ago, weren't really expecting us. Nevertheless, we quickly settle into our room and immediately head to the hotel's pool. We jump in the sea, rinse off, jump in the pool, rinse off again (lots of chlorine!), and relax on the sun loungers and bean bags.

Shortly after, we take care of a few planning things: book a taxi for tomorrow to our next destination and withdraw money. In addition, we buy some white bread, which Jonna wants to slowly reintroduce into the 'club of eating'.

On the way back, we walk along the beach, hoping to find something for dinner for me. However, most restaurants are already closed or a bit too expensive for us. Generally, it can be observed that cheap and local warungs close around 7:30 PM - very sad.

The beautiful evening atmosphere and an orange sky make our search easier, but it remains unsuccessful. I'm not really that hungry anyway, I had an ice cream stick for lunch.

8:30 PM: Jonna and I are both lying in our single beds (wrongly booked) and eating plain white bread. It sounds very, very sad, but it was actually quite okay.

- Alex


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