Mae Haad

Uñt’ayata: 11.01.2022

The operators of our booked accommodation were initially dismayed by our departure, but then took it very calmly. Although we had just messed up their income, they remained completely friendly and happy and made jokes with us.

I would have been annoyed and angry.

After a quick breakfast - we had a lot on the agenda for today, finding new accommodation and taking care of the PCR test.

To our great joy, we quickly found accommodation right next door, where we had spent many days two years ago. I would have liked to book there right away, but the facility was not bookable online from Germany. I had assumed that it might not be in operation due to the low number of tourists, but that was not the case. There were also several bungalows available, but the placeholder from Myanmar had to first ask the absent owner for permission to let us move in. We were allowed to!

Two adjacent bungalows in the front row directly on and overlooking the sea. These bungalows are not particularly large or luxurious, but they simply give a better feeling. You don't immediately feel like turning around and running away like with the first huts.

In any case, we were glad and relieved to be able to move in here and not have to search all day. Our luggage was quickly carried the few meters across the beach, and when I stepped onto the first wooden step of my hut, it immediately collapsed under my weight, burdened with all the luggage. I was lucky that nothing worse happened. Instead of being startled, our two housekeepers from Myanmar laughed heartily as is their way, and because nothing happened to me, I could join in. It's not always easy with the two of them because they speak hardly any English, but somehow they're cute, laugh a lot, and take everything with humor. And when you, I don't know his name, ask him for something, he immediately jumps up and comes back with a smile.

After all the formalities were cleared up, I called the local hospital and made an appointment for our third PCR test. They knew exactly what I was talking about, which greatly reassured me - I had imagined it would be more difficult.

For the first time, I felt a sense of relaxation. A lot had accumulated in the last few days. No plans, no open questions, no stress - finally letting go and arriving.


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