2021 - August - Berlin - Humboldt Forum

Uñt’ayata: 31.08.2021

'Finally Open!' it proclaims in big letters from the Humboldt Forum. It sounds like 'finally' and after various scandals and a long construction time, that's true.

If you're wondering what the Humboldt Forum is all about, let me give you a brief overview: Berlin once had a city palace until 1950. However, it was so badly damaged by bombs in World War II that it was ultimately completely demolished.

On the empty space, the GDR built the Palace of the Republic. The complex opened on April 23, 1976. However, the asbestos-contaminated building survived the GDR for only a few years and was gradually demolished from 2006 to 2008.

After lengthy discussions about what could be built on the prime location, it was finally decided to partially reconstruct the Hohenzollern Palace with a modern core.

I like the blend of old and new, although even the old here looks new. Personally, I don't agree with the widespread criticism that the Humboldt Forum somehow doesn't fit our time.

The recently opened building impresses me with its appearance and also offers plenty of space for various exhibitions. The name Humboldt is not chosen randomly, but stands for the scientific orientation of the presentations. There are permanent exhibitions and changing special performances. It is certainly possible to visit all six in one day, but we initially limited ourselves to three.

One of the permanent presentations can be found in the castle cellar. Here you can learn a lot about the eventful history of the place. Before a palace stood here, there was a monastery and a cemetery. Many small details were found during archaeological excavations.

In the castle cellar, you can see parts of the wall from the Kaiser era, the GDR era, and also from the old monastery.

Equally interesting and presented in the castle cellar is a turbine from the ventilation system from the time of Kaiser Wilhelm II. The device was very advanced at that time and ensured that the guests went home not only warm but also without getting blackened from soot.

The changing exhibitions, on the other hand, are dedicated to completely different topics. For example, we visited 'Nach der Natur' ('After Nature'), which is accurately described as an 'art cabinet of wonders.' It deals with politics, but also with science and research and how all of this is related to ecology. The exhibition 'Schrecklich schön' ('Terribly Beautiful') is immediately understandable, as it is about the ivory trade.

Currently, it is important to book a time slot for your visit to the Humboldt Forum. This can be done online or on-site and is intended to protect against Corona.

And finally, for all those who have read my text until the end, a nice surprise and the most important sentence for bargain hunters: All exhibitions can be visited for free!

Update from 2022: You can now also visit the rooftop terrace and enjoy the view from there. The visit is free, but you still need to book a time slot.


Alemania markanxa
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