Beautiful Poland

Uñt’ayata: 29.08.2019

After leaving Gdansk, we drove along the coast looking for a suitable place to sleep. On our third attempt, we found something suitable. The Polish people are still on vacation, so the entire Baltic Sea coast is crowded. But the place is quite nice and not far from the water.

Nevertheless, we drove along the coast to Mielno after one night. Annika had found a small but nice place there, and we felt really comfortable. Only 14 parking spaces and not far from the beach.

As it turned out, this place is the third most popular seaside resort in Poland, so it was comparable to the high season in Mallorca. Everything was crowded with people, street vendors, and everything that goes with it. Crazy! We had never experienced something like this on our trip before. Checked off the list:)

Although the place is completely geared towards tourism, we sometimes had problems communicating in English. And so it happened that we ended up with twice the amount of food on the table for lunch. We bravely ate everything and then went to the beach, feeling like stranded whales.

Henry was able to move quite freely on the campsite itself. Unfortunately, this led to Annika and me being momentarily careless, and our little one took the opportunity to go on an excursion. Brief moment of shock. But then we quickly found him again. He had walked all the way to the road and wanted to explore the area on his own.

Fortunately, Annika remembered a tip we had received in Lithuania, so after two nights in Mielno, we drove a little inland to spend the night on a small island in a lake. At least there are no roads there:)

As planned. After 2 hours of relaxed driving, we arrived at the campsite "InterNos". The place is run by a Pole and an Austrian. The latter takes care of the gastronomy. And so you can get a hearty pork knuckle or homemade cheese spaetzle in West Pomerania.

Chilled out
Chilled out

You can reach the campsite by using your own ferry, which operates every 2 hours.

Immediately upon arrival on the island, we meet Jan and Hannah with their daughters Lotte and Ebba at the playground.

The four of them are from Berlin and are currently on vacation in Poland. In addition to the obvious common denominator "child", there are many other similarities, so we spend some time together over the next few days. On the last night together, we eat at the Austrian restaurant and enjoy the fact that the children have plenty of space and toys to play with.

We have had many of these short but "intense" encounters with nice people, and some of them are special memories. This one is also special, and we would be happy to see some of them again somehow, someday, somewhere.

On the campsite itself, we had a moderately good pitch for the first night, right in the hustle and bustle. On the second day, we accidentally found a beautiful spot with direct access to the lake.

Getting close to the ducks
Getting close to the ducks

Henry is becoming more familiar with the water and enjoys playing alone on the shallow shore. For us, the place is wonderful, and over the next few days, we enjoy the absolute peace and quiet, as there are no longer so many boats and jet skis racing across the lake.

View from the bedroom
View from the bedroom

Unfortunately, all good things come to an end. Not only do we have to leave this beautiful place, but the entire trip is almost over! Hard to believe, but our next destination is already a place in Germany, and on Saturday, August 31st, we will enter our own four walls for the first time in a while.

Strange feeling when you think about it.

Nevertheless, we are also very much looking forward to being home. Family, friends, a good bed, and the dishwasher are sorely missed!

In the two places after Gdansk, we simply forgot to take pictures. Oops.

