A bike tour is fun..

Uñt’ayata: 04.05.2019

This morning, we took our time getting up. Then we headed to our first destination: the port of Adelaide. Hmm.. we had imagined it to be more spectacular somehow. Fortunately, a nice young man explained to us what you can do here. That gave us the idea to rent bikes and go for a ride. Unfortunately, this was not very beneficial for my cold, so the tour ended after 3km. There should also be dolphins somewhere in the harbor. Unfortunately, we had no luck even though we visited different hot spots. However, Basti became a seagull whisperer today. I bought a ginger root in a food market to clear my nose. Breathing that stuff is not the best idea, as I found out after a 10-minute coughing fit - of course to Basti's amusement. Also bought in the market: 5kg of potatoes for 1.49A$. After the dolphin tour, we met with an acquaintance from Germany, who also arrived in Adelaide today. Half an hour and funny street directions from Google Maps later, we found ourselves in a pub and had our first (!) sip of alcohol in Australia. Conclusion: Only Germans can brew beer really. Back home, the highlight of the day followed: I finally got to do laundry! It feels great to hang fresh clothes on the line 😁
