05.04.2023 Child care project

Uñt’ayata: 05.04.2023

We had to start at the child care at 13:00 so we took it easy in the morning. The other volunteers already went since they had the early shift, so it was just me and svea. It's a full round of german volunteers again so only english when were around other people and at the project of course.

We walked around town for a bit, svea picked um some hicking maps before we headed back for a quick lunch and madd our way to the kids club.

Since we arrived midday there was already lots of activity there. Kids were playing, crafting, doing sports and games. We got a quick tour of the facility and it was quite big with many different rooms filled with all sorts of toys.

The children were also very curious where we were from and what are names were. After the tour we just kind of got thrown into a room without much information about what to do. I just joined Zack and helped him with crafting things.

Mobile phones aren't really allowed at the project and also no pictures were you can see the face of a child which is a bit difficult in a room filled with kids, so I am not sure if I will be able to take many pictures.

After a while we were send out into the hall with no more infos. So I started playing tennis with eeve. There are many kids at the project and a lot is happening but I don't really mind that.

The bigger problem is that I still don't really know how I am allowed to interact with the kids because there wasn't really any additional info. So in the beginning I just behaved very carefully and made sure not to get too close to any child.

Which was difficult because bella gave me a hug after she got to know me for like 1 minute, as children do.

I played sports, lego, crafted, played uno, some video games. Just wherever a child seemed to could use a partner. The kids that I've met so far are very friendly and fight and play like I am used to from the cevi so as the day went on I got a bit less careful with the whole no physical contact thing and it did not seem to be a problem at all.

A lot of this project will be learning by doing and you have to take initiative and not just wait around for somebody to tell you what to do. Which is as I learned in the cevi so until now, I think I am going to have a good time.

In the evening we went to play billiards together, which was interesting because none of us are good at billiards. A good way to end the work day.

Tomorrow all 4 of us start together at 09:00.
Jaysawi (2)

Hallo Nick, denk dat je he goed naar je zin hebt, en inderdaad foto's maken van de kinderen is misschien moeilijk. Als je er wat langer bent vragen aan een leidinggevende. Maar van de andere vrijwilligers misschien wel??Werk ze en een fijne dag xxx Oma

Wordt vast leuk daar en met jouw Cevi-ervaringen erbij komt het helemaal goed! Fijne tijd daar Nick. Lieve groetjes, ook van Aad.