Eight: Six months in Ireland

Uñt’ayata: 05.03.2021

hey everyone,

I have been in Ireland for exactly half a year today. Which feels very weird to say. Because it definitely didn't feel like it's been this long. And it also means slowly but surely my time here will come to an end. But I don't think I have to think about it just yet.

Instead of dividing my update into four parts like I usually do, I will just put it into one text. Because there just wasn't a lot going on this past month. So this post will only be a short one.

the last few weeks

At the start of this month all I did was get through online school every day. Due to Covid we're still in lockdown and it doesn't look like this will change any time soon.
Besides doing all my work for school I started becoming creative again. I don't think I've spent as much time playing guitar or drawing like I did this month. And I also got so many ideas of what I want to do at some point. I guess when you can't go anywhere or meet anyone you just have to find other things that will keep you entertained.

Zoom also became kind of my best friend throughout February. I had some funny games nights with some of the other exchange students as well as with my family. And they certainly were some of the highlights.

A few weeks ago we also had our midterm break. The only difference between that week and every other week was that I didn't feel bad whenever I didn't do any work throughout the day. But I started reading a lot more that week. Which I'm still doing now. And because I don't spend any money at the moment (all the shops are closed and what else do I need to pay for except for my monthly shopping when I run out of chocolate) I started making a list of all the books I want to read (by now this list should include around 10 books) and most of them I will have to buy. As an ebook of course. I don't think I will be able to get more than 8 books home in some way.

After the midterm break we started to have some online workshops to make school a bit better. And while some parts of them were quite interesting they weren't the most exciting ones. It's still great that we're not just having normal lessons.

And I think that is basically all that has been going on. I think last week the government announced when the different years would be going back into school. And they decided that Transition years will only return after the Easter holidays. Which is April 12th. So I still have an entire month until I will be going back into school. But I'm just glad we'll be returning at all.

in conclusion

It looks like there is an end to our lockdown in sight. Even if it's just schools that will open again. I'm still so happy to be here and just hope that I will be able to make use of the last months. Not much time left anymore.

And even though there isn't a lot happening lately I'm still making many memories and I know I will be able to bring a lot back with me.

Until next time,


