Snorkeling on the 17 islands in the north of Flores.

Uñt’ayata: 10.02.2020

21-23 January 2020

The alarm clock rang at 2 o'clock in the morning. We were supposed to climb Mount Inierie. However, Albert concluded that we wouldn't have a good view if we reached the top due to the clouds. I was fine with that; I didn't really feel like climbing this mountain in the middle of the night, even though I was very enthusiastic the night before. Climbing poses many dangers, such as loose rocks and mud. And in the middle of the night? We went back to bed.

After our normal wake-up time, we headed to a volcanic lake called Wawo Muda. Then we went to the Ogi Waterfall before heading towards Riung, a small village in the north of Flores. The rainy season showed its best side; we stopped a few times and sought shelter. Once we arrived in Riung, we spoke with two boat owners for tomorrow's tour to the 17 islands. Albert wanted to stay at the Eden Eco Lodge, and I agreed, unaware that it is 17 km away. And of course, it was closed. In the end, we drove back and found refuge in the guesthouse recommended by one of the fishermen, where a Dutch couple also stayed, and they were also going on the boat tomorrow.

Breakfast at 6:30 am, we met the Dutch couple. A little older than us, probably in their 50s, but there was a certain sympathy there, after all, Albert is also from the Netherlands. Then at 7:30 am, we boarded the boat. The boat driver recommended wearing a t-shirt because of the sun. I thought to myself that I would be underwater while snorkeling. I was mistaken. Sunburn said hello. Later on a small island, we climbed barefoot to the top. Not a good idea if you have sensitive feet. In the evening, the four of us had a few rounds of beer and talked a lot at the guesthouse.

The next day, I headed back to Bajawa early in the morning. Before that, I made a stop at the Mangeruda Hot Springs. Not a good idea with a burnt back. I could have spared myself that. Then the journey continued to Ruteng after a small lunch in Bajawa. I only arrived there at 7 pm with the onset of darkness. I spent about eight hours on the scooter today.


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