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Viajes blogs ukanakax uñt’ayatawa
Mä blog de viajes ukham luraña
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NordSeaCycleTour 2018 ich will dann mal weg
Posts ukanakax uñt’ayatawa
Estadísticas ukax mä juk’a pachanakanwa
Scotland - just below the clouds
Uñt’ayata: 04.06.2018
Scotland - just below the clouds
Scotland - just below the clouds
Scotland - just below the clouds
Scotland - just below the clouds
Scotland - just below the clouds
Scotland - just below the clouds
Scotland - just below the clouds
Scotland - just below the clouds
Scotland - just below the clouds
Scotland - just below the clouds
Scotland - just below the clouds
Scotland - just below the clouds
Scotland - just below the clouds
Scotland - just below the clouds
Scotland - just below the clouds
Scotland - just below the clouds
Yatiyäw qillqatar qillqt’asipxam
Jan armasimti suma jaqïñ :)
Juk’amp viajes ukanakat yatiyawinaka
Scotland's Highlands are our destination
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