NordSeaCycleTour 2018 ich will dann mal weg  
NordSeaCycleTour 2018 ich will dann mal weg

England - Netherlands - Fehnroute - North Sea Cycle Path

Uñt’ayata: 04.07.2018

In the last few days, we have been cycling through 'Holland' - precisely: the Holland Fen. An area that was drained in 1767. It reminds a lot of Holland, for example, the many canals and windmills for drainage.

Almost comparable to the Fehnroute - cycling tour in Friesland.

Then we head towards Essex, cycling through three days of hilly areas dominated by agriculture - almost as industrially designed as with us, huge areas, but there are many more green, natural side strips and hedges along the roads, and the farmers do not plow all the way to the edges... and barely any corn!

It's a pity that our farmers have so little regard for nature or only refrain from plowing up to the paths and ditches for subsidies.

Of course, there are also some issues with farmers in England, many large heaps of manure - some quite old - in the fields, many foil residues and nets hanging on the fences from the hay and straw bales, and almost every farmer 'collects' old machines.

We are now heading towards Harwich, for my two friends Dirk and Klaus, the vacation will end in mid-July. Both will take the ferry from Harwich to Holland tomorrow (05.07.), Dirk will continue the tour there, Klaus will accompany him a few more days and then take the train home.

What am I doing? More in the next post...
