Business Life

Uñt’ayata: 14.09.2017

The biggest event so far…
35 to 40 invited guests came to Flo's 'official' birthday party. Our apartment looked like a battlefield. Alcohol flowed freely (not only into glasses and mouths), seating options were scarce ('musical chairs' became a drinking game), the balcony's stability was tested by excessive weight, and dance competitions took place on the tables. Hope for the return of the security deposit is fading more and more.

Fortunately, the plan included going to the nearby Union Club to continue the party. A strange place that will probably be avoided in the future. The afterparty (which nobody expected) took place at our place again. After about 5 pizzas and 4 garlic bread baguettes, the celebration ended promptly with the sunrise.

Let's skip Saturday. The 'rave' in a former bunker was relatively unnecessary...

(... and only one of the authors had real fun)

Sunday was the day. The long-awaited start of the football season was celebrated in grand style by us. Konstantin conjured up his world-famous red Thai curry before the Oakland Raiders defeated the Tennessee Titans. Knowing that Monday would be a tiring day, we finally went to bed around 2 o'clock after the Red Zone.

Now the student life had us fully in its grip! Monday! Lecture from 2:15 pm to 4 pm! Fortunately, that was it for lectures this week.

Before you get the wrong idea. The lecture schedules vary from week to week, and after a free week in October, two more courses will be added. Furthermore, there are still some assignments and an important project awaiting us.
The project will be a core element of our stay. The goal is to facilitate the market entry of a Finnish start-up company in Germany. Our first meeting on Tuesday set the course for our further actions and the roles within the team were assigned.

In addition, Flo and I finally have the sports pass, which allows us to use the university's own fitness rooms and participate in many other team sports (including futsal). After the first gym visit, it can be said: muscle soreness of death. We still have to work on ourselves. But not too much, because the doors don't get wider here.
In the meantime, the sauna offering was of course fully used.

Our packages from home have finally arrived, which makes our room look really cozy for the first time.

The weather has become rather changeable. Sometimes you sweat in a T-shirt, sometimes a thicker jacket is not enough. Whatever happens, you usually get wet. The way to the university or rather the canteen is therefore increasingly managed by bus. Greetings go out to Eziz, who didn't want to finish his plate...

Autumn is here.



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