Water, Air and Sun

Uñt’ayata: 26.07.2016

The day started with waking up at 06:30.

We had a packed schedule. Everything had to be done quickly: washing, eating, brushing teeth, and getting ready.

Until now, nobody except the educators knew what awaited us. But then we arrived and it dawned on us.... it was as some had already guessed: WINDSURFING!!!!

We couldn't believe it.

Alright, neoprene suits and surf shoes on, perfect! After a brief introduction from the surf instructor 'Urst', we were ready to go. At first, it was still unfamiliar for everyone and a few fell down. But after a few tries, it went smoothly.

We surfed from right to left, from front to back,... and splash....we were back in the water again.

After the surf lessons, we spent some time splashing around in the water.

Since we still had to go shopping, we unfortunately had to move on after changing. When we arrived at the campsite, everyone went to shower first. Then the feast was prepared. Spaghetti bolognese.... mmhhh.... some ate a bit too much and didn't feel so good afterwards.

After dinner, we had free time in the evening and everyone went to play.

We ended the evening together, comfortably with music, reading, and conversations....

Jaysawi (1)

Hallo ihr Abenteuter, das war heute sicher ein supertolles Erlebnis für euch.🏄 Und klasse, dass alle mitgemacht haben und Julien sich das auch zugetraut hat. Toll! Ihr seid wirklich eine prima Truppe! Wir haben uns auch sehr über den kurzen Anruf von Julien gefreut. Nun wünschen wir euch noch ein paar schöne, unbeschwerte und sonnige Tage.😎🌞🐑 Liebe Grüße an Alle 👀👋 Einen besonderen Gruß an Julien von Mirko, Omas, Opas, Goodi und Dirk! 😊