Blue Mountains and Hunter Valley

نشرت: 08.01.2018

Hey Guys!

After a few days without internet, we are here to give you an update. Four days ago, we picked up our camper. An 'older' Mitsubishi bus with a proud 445,296 km on the odometer... very rustic, but sufficient for us. We didn't have to readjust anything except for the mosquito net fixed with duct tape on the window. The mosquitoes are a real plague at night. Our bite-away pen is almost constantly in use (Thanks mom, for the tip!)

Our first trip with our mobile home went to the Blue Mountains. We had fantastic weather and did almost every walk. Starting with the Scenic Walk boardwalk, for which we had to walk down over 1,000 steps. Right through the rainforest of the Blue Mountains. But then we went up with the Scenic Railway, the oldest in the world.

Yesterday we visited Hunter Valley and treated ourselves to a bottle of white wine from the oldest winery in Australia. We stayed at Wine Country Tourist Park, a very small campsite with a great feel-good atmosphere. We particularly loved the palm-lined pool. In the evening, there was a refreshing rain shower after days of heat (consistently around 38°C).

Today we are heading to Newcastle and then along the east coast heading north. Until then,

Vroni & Maria

إجابة (3)

Maria, Maria, pass mit der Sonne auf!!! :-) Die Vroni ist nicht so rot :-) PS: Thomas findet den Camper super

Hallo ihr beiden, es freut mich, dass bisher alles prima bei euch läuft. Habe jetzt alle Beiträge nachgeholt und bin auf dem Laufenden. Habt ihr den Hund als Haustier "adoptiert"?

Hey Gia! Nimm einfach die Farbe aus, dann schaut's nicht so schlimm aus :-P Hallo Andreas! Den Hund haben wir nicht adoptiert. Dafür haben wir ein paar Ameisen als Haustiere. Dachten, die sind pflegeleichter. ;-)

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