Von Shanghai nach Hamburg
Von Shanghai nach Hamburg

21.08.2019: Back in the EU: 1st stop Estonia

نشرت: 21.08.2019

The EU has us back. In Narva, we crossed the border between Russia and Estonia. The border crossing was done in record time (1h 45 min). We owe this mainly to our bus driver Daniel, whose Polish charm no border guard could resist. We were spared the usual complete unloading of the bus and marching with full luggage.

In Estonia, we continued along the Baltic Sea towards Tallinn.

After dinner, we took a stroll through the city. A truly beautiful historic old town, freshly restored houses, many cozy restaurants or pubs. Great atmosphere.

A comprehensive sightseeing tour is scheduled for tomorrow morning.

We are staying right by the harbor at the Hestia Hotel Europa. Here too, several huge cruise ships are docking, unloading their contents into the city.


تقارير السفر إستونيا