Railway Girls
Railway Girls

Tag 23: Rail replacement service

نشرت: 23.09.2017

The morning started a bit hectic with a quick breakfast, making sandwiches and packing backpacks. At 7:45, we started walking to the train station, enjoying the fresh morning air and empty streets.

Once we arrived at the correct platform, we were quickly informed by a train conductor that the regional train to Oslo had no more available seats. After a brief moment of shock, we were allowed to sit on the doorsteps and began the journey to Lillehammer as planned, but with a view of the train door. 😆

In the train, we spent the next two and a half hours on the steps and eventually on vacant seats before it ended in Dombås. Due to track maintenance work, there is currently rail replacement service on the remaining section of the route, and we had to board one of the provided buses, which went smoothly.

Fortunately, the bus was modern, with comfortable seats and a large panoramic window at the front. Through this window, we could admire the mountains, cows, lots of sheep, green meadows, and farmhouses of the region, reminiscent of the German Alpine foothills.

After a little over two hours, we left the bus in Lillehammer, where we headed to our accommodation after a short orientation. It was not easy to find, as the corresponding street is unfortunately interrupted by the train tracks (without a crossing!) and we had to walk back. 😑 However, we have the red wooden house and a somewhat strange cat to ourselves, as our host is at a birthday party tonight.

After unloading our luggage and finally realizing that Norway is not ready for tourists in the autumn (nothing is open, and if it is, not for long or only on two days of the week), we took a long walk through the city.

While we could see the ski jumps in the background, we admired the typical old wooden houses, crossed a stream, and looked at the Gudbrandsdal with the Mjøsa Lake from above. The 1994 Olympic city became known primarily for this event but also has Norway's largest open-air museum and is simply beautiful to look at.

After a visit to the supermarket, we had curry chicken with rice for dinner and, as a dessert, German pretzels that actually tasted authentic. 😄

Now that we have planned the next leg of our journey and our stay in Oslo, it's time to go to bed. We are both looking forward to the crispy(!) bread for breakfast and wish you good night from Lillehammer.


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