Reisebriefe von Felix
Reisebriefe von Felix

The last days in Australia

نشرت: 25.04.2017

The morning can be described quickly. Wake up, empty the camper, pack backpacks, have breakfast and start the last drive towards Cairns, where we have rented an Airbnb accommodation from today. But before we return our camper, we first drop off our large backpacks with our landlady. A considerable relief. This way we save ourselves a fully packed ride on public transport.

After an uncomplicated handover of the camper, a short walk through Cairns, and a shopping trip to our trusted supermarket, we are now sitting in the fantastic accommodation and resting our feet on the veranda.

We have seen and experienced a lot in Australia over the past few weeks. We will definitely miss the flexibility of camper life. We are sure of that. After the Airbnb stay here in Cairns, we will also frequently stay in similar rooms/apartments on Bali, the Gili Islands, and Lombok.

But for now, we are just glad that the next days and weeks are expected to be much more relaxed than the last two months. After a good 8200 km in two months, we are looking forward to simply putting our feet up for a few days.

The days in Cairns round off the Australian part of our vacation and summarize it well. We are staying in an Airbnb accommodation that leaves nothing to be desired. A nice room, a large living room where you can exchange ideas with other travelers, and an incredibly well-equipped kitchen. We were just as satisfied with this accommodation as we were with the room in Sydney and the well-equipped camper.

Like the entire trip in Australia, the weather in Cairns is also very changeable. Moments when you wish for rain because of the heat and moments when you long for blue skies during torrential rain constantly alternate. Although here, the desire for sunshine clearly predominates ; )

Our highlight during the days in Cairns is the lagoon, which was created in the city center with a view of the ocean. However, my personal highlight is the visit to the Tjapukai Aborigine Center. Since the afternoon tours are far less popular than the evening ones, we get a "private tour". Our Aborigine guide gives us insights into the customs of the indigenous people of Australia, as well as into their history, beliefs, and medicine. Rebecca in particular can gather some interesting information about medicine, which will certainly be useful for her further professional career ;)

After a crash course in hunting with a boomerang and spear, I also have to defend myself against the recruitment attempts of the Aborigine guide. Fortunately, he can understand that I will not exchange my coaching position at FC Kierberg for the job of a white chief at the Tjapukai Aborigines.

After the three-hour tour, impressed by the oldest culture in the world, we leave the center. Many impressive insights into the life and history of the Aborigines that we definitely would not want to miss and that we recommend to anyone who is heading to Australia.

We take the bus back to the city, where we throw our packed backpacks into the trunk of our landlady and she drives us to the airport. After more than 5 weeks in Australia, Indonesia is now waiting for us. We are excited about our first experience in Asia.


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