Day 11, House of Switzerland

نشرت: 07.02.2018

Now it's slowly getting serious. The entire crew is at the Technical Disciplines venue today. All camera locations are being thoroughly tested. Boss Karin Nussbaumer and Director Beni Giger welcome the entire team in the packed tent. The test procedure and today's goals are announced. We from the installation team make sure that the cables of the mobile slope cameras extend through the A-networks all the way into the slopes.

In the afternoon, we worked together as a team to create a platform in the snow at the women's start so that the pole camera has a good position. The camera is mounted at the front on a pole that is about 4m long and can be swiveled by the cameraman. This pole camera then shows the driver in full action at the start.

In the evening, we attended the opening of the House of Switzerland. The speech was very short and the offered mulled wine was only available for a short time.

Now we are over 10,000 kilometers away from home and it feels like there are only a few people in Pyeongchang. One of them is our Roman Zäch, who worked as an intern in our traffic planning. Now he is working for the House of Switzerland.
