
So now I'm in Bali. I still can't really believe it. But the temperatures tell me that it's true. It's 30 degrees and quite humid, my German body needs to get used to that.

Siggi is here
Siggi is here
Hello Singapore
Hello Singapore

The flight was exhausting but bearable, I imagined it to be worse. I had two nice seat neighbors and could even sleep a bit. Since I had only known smaller airplanes until now, I was amazed by the large selection of movies and TV series. I watched the sappy film adaptation of 'Me Before You' for the first time. Fell asleep though, but I already knew the book ;)

When we landed in Singapore for a stopover, I had my first small culture shock. I expected a proper toilet in the ladies' restroom at the airport and only found a hole in the ground. Takes some getting used to for us Westerners, but it works.

The dear Sonny, who I can stay with, picked me up from the airport and immediately gave me some important tips.

The accommodation is super beautiful. But just take a look at the photos :)

This morning I explored the area and went to the beach. I'm approached here from every corner and everyone wants to sell me something. But everyone here is extremely friendly. I get lots of compliments from the local guys for my hair :D Here I am exotic. There's also the smell of incense sticks everywhere and in front of almost every house or shop, there are small baskets with offerings to the gods. At the restaurant where I had lunch today, I even saw an employee praying.

After a little walk on the beach, I settled down in a bar, drank an iced coffee and watched surfers. However, I'm still not sure if I want to try surfing.

I actually wanted to post something at noon, but I think my laptop was too hot. That's why I just went back to the beach and left him alone. Now he agrees to work for me again :)

When I was at the beach again just now, I also plunged into the waves for the first time. I'm used to it, when you go into the water there's a 'Whoaaa-is-it-cold' moment, but not here. The water is super warm and you can walk quite far in. Personally, I find the waves quite high, probably because I only know North Sea waves in the summer :)

A beach vendor approached me, sat down next to me and started stroking my head. She said I have such beautiful hair :D Could get used to getting so many compliments ;)

So give me compliments or I'll stay here !!! :)



تقارير السفر إندونيسيا