
11/16/16 | Day 116| Campus Ondina and Zoo

نشرت: 24.11.2016

After a long time, a small sign of life again. In the last few days, there was still a lot to do for university, so today I will show you pictures of the Ondina campus first. By the way: Unfortunately, it is already halfway through my time here, which means: another 109 days in Brazil. But first back to the subject: Ondina campus.

We were there twice a week for our language course. In itself, a very cool and diverse campus. The main part of all study programs have their buildings here as well as the most important administrative facilities. It even seems that you are more in nature than on a campus, as everything is much greener compared to Germany.

The buildings here are completely different: very open and flooded with light.

Something completely different compared to Germany. In addition, the structure of the campus is interesting, which stretches across several levels and paths. In addition, there are also classrooms, which consist mainly of chairs with installed tables.

What is also very cool is the certain life that takes place there. Not only do many students spend their whole day here, but there are also some vendors who offer their goods there, like in the bus, people have information stands or small events take place there. In addition, there is a huge canteen on campus that offers very inexpensive fixed dishes. Nevertheless, caution is advised in the evening hours, because although armed guards are walking around, robberies often happen in various places.

Near the campus is also the zoo of Salvador, which houses many different bird species and other animals, such as hippos, monkeys, and big cats.

But see for yourself what there is to discover. Admission is even free and it's definitely worth going there once. Not even the camel believes it ;)


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