
Lop Buri - The monkeys really surprised me!

نشرت: 29.10.2018

October 26, 2018:

My day started at 08:40. I had the remaining muffins for breakfast and then headed to the train station. The journey took four hours and along the way, I saw lots of nature and water. When I arrived at the train station, I was greeted by the tourist police. They asked me where I was from and greeted me with 'Good day' when I answered. They gave me a small flyer with the tourist police number, in case I needed to contact them. We said goodbye with 'Goodbye', and I said 'Thank you' in Thai. A woman recorded the whole thing on video, maybe for the Thai police's marketing purposes? Who knows.

The guesthouse was simple, as usual. I explored the area and finally found some monkeys. And there were quite a few of them. They were roaming around and eating everything in their path. I visited two temples, and of course, there were monkeys everywhere. Normally, they keep their distance, but I wanted to take a close-up photo so I bent down. Suddenly, one jumped onto my backpack from behind. I stood up and turned around, and it willingly jumped off. The monkeys roam the streets, climb on scooters, cars, houses, etc. They don't really fear humans.

Then I had a pizza at the market. The vendor actually spoke German, and we had a chat. She had lived in Hannover with her family for ten years. Quite funny! In the hostel, I installed more programs on my notebook. I could really throw this slow piece of junk in the trash. It wasn't a good idea to buy such a cheap notebook. I should have spent more for less trouble.

At the market, I had steak, fries, and salad. Twice. Thai portions are always tiny. Annoyed by the slow notebook, poor internet, and my faulty phone cable, I decided to at least get a new cable in the evening. At that moment, the price didn't matter to me. I was too annoyed.

Videos of the monkeys:


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