lets go somewhere
lets go somewhere

Visiting Mr. Kit

نشرت: 30.03.2017

Mr. Kit is about 1 year old and weighs a proud 250 kg, has quite wrinkled skin, blows a lot around the area, loves to eat bananas and loves to splash around in the water. He does a lot of mischief, scratches himself on trees and likes to annoy his mother. A completely normal child! 😉 A true cutie...and we had so much fun together! What could be better than visiting the elephants in the "Land of a Thousand Elephants"?! It was the best activity we've done in a long time!

We wanted to spend a few beautiful hours with these amazing animals up close, but we deliberately decided against any tours that offered elephant riding. So we ended up at a project that frees domesticated working elephants and tries to give the animals a better life. Well, logically, these elephants were not completely free either, but they were at least treated as well as possible.

We met 3 elephants, mother, baby, and aunt. We greeted them with lots of bananas...a good start from the elephant's point of view, because if someone brings you bananas, they are your friend! Banana = friends 😊

We learned a lot about their behavior and body language and saw an elephant laugh for the first time while playing in the river 😊 An elephant laughs when it is lying on the ground with its face. Sounds strange - and it is! When it lies on its side and its cheek touches the ground, it is a sign of joy. Well, the adorable Mr. Kit seemed to have so much fun in the cool water that he practically had a real laughing fit! He rolled incessantly from one cheek to the other 😊

Finally we took a walk with them through the forest for a few kilometers, let ourselves be tempted to eat a banana here and there, and finally, we were even able to get a little up close and personal, meaning: snuggle. They are wonderful, loving animals and the visit was worth every penny! - The proceeds seem to mainly go to the banana budget...try feeding an elephant! - Such a bunch of bananas is gone in no time 😉 ....quicked devoured! Törööööö

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