4. Stop San Gil

نشرت: 29.07.2018

Actually, the title here is incorrect, the 4th stop was actually a city called Tunja. After the hike, we tried to get to San Gil but got stuck in Tunja due to lack of good connections.

San Gil is a very nice city, known mainly for extreme sports like paragliding, caving, or rafting. There we met the first Israelis. In addition to the practically obligatory tourists from France or Germany, there are also surprisingly many Israelis who travel through various countries after completing their 2 or 3 years of military service. Interestingly, only the local Jews do that!

Getting to know such people from completely different countries compared to Austria is a big part of the charm of traveling!

In San Gil, we had interesting conversations and besides beautiful nature, we also saw the world from above during paragliding and from below during caving. After 3 nights, however, I had enough and decided to continue traveling alone without Benjamin, who wanted to stay longer.

Next, the plan was to go to Santa Marta all the way in the north, a twelve-hour bus ride from 7 in the evening to 7 in the morning was necessary for that.

Our bus driver, as is customary here, overtook an even larger truck in front of a blind curve and almost ran over an oncoming police motorcycle. After the mutual greeting between the officers and the driver, the atmosphere seemed to relax, probably due to the handshake that was also executed.

After that, the journey was uneventful, I slept like a baby and headed towards the tropics.


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