Auszeit in Spanien 2017
Auszeit in Spanien 2017

First days in El Cuélebre (Asturias)

نشرت: 17.10.2017

For three weeks we are going to the language school El Cuélebre run by Jimena and Alfredo in La Peral. La Peral is located in the Somiedo National Park in Asturias. We are here at an altitude of 1500 meters, similar to the elevation of Vorsass am Niederhorn.

La Peral
La Peral

El Cuélebre

El Cuélebre

More information about the language school El Cuélebre and the Somiedo National Park:

Before I complain, I want to note that we really like it here in La Peral with Jimena and Alfredo. However, the daily routine is quite intense:

8:30 AM Breakfast

Actually not a problem, we enjoy the food. But switching to Spanish early in the morning is unusual. Alfredo informs us about the latest developments regarding the independence movements in Catalonia. Even though I don't understand everything, I know that not everything is nice words. It took me a while to form an opinion on this issue. The best way to explain it is with a comparison to Switzerland: what would Switzerland do if the canton of Zurich wanted to become independent?

9:30 AM First class

Jimena warned us, Alfredo is a strict teacher!


Does sweat show?
Does sweat show?

The class is very good, but also very intense. My Spanish class in Thun won't believe this, so I will provide an example.

11:00 AM Excursion

Now we are going on a two to three-hour hike. I can hike, but speaking and learning Spanish at the same time is something new: ash tree, beech tree, hazelnut bush, oak, and oh yes, the oak has a nut called bellota. Now I understand again: there are pigs that are allowed to eat only bellotas. From that, they make the delicious Jamon bellota.

Excursion 1
excursion 1
Excursion 1
excursion 1
excursion 2
excursion 2
excursion 2
excursion 2
excursion 2
excursion 2 (Fa, Alfredo, Jürg)

2:30 PM Lunch

Jimena is a great cook! Unfortunately, there was a misunderstanding beforehand. When asked about our eating habits, Elsbeth said she doesn't eat meat. And now that also applies to Jimena, Alfredo, and me. Yesterday we still had chicken, what a feast. Fish also tastes excellent.


Lunch is the most important meal in Spain. And of course, there is wine. And once again, the latest news about Catalonia.

4:00 PM Break

Now it's time for digestion, relaxation, and learning. La Peral has a new bar, which we visit from time to time.

Our room
Our room

7:30 PM Second class

Alfredo is putting us to the test again, as the emphasis needs to be improved.

9:00 PM Dinner

We are slowly getting used to the meal times in Spain. And with the delicious food, there is wine again.

11:00 PM Sleep

No photo for that.

Beware of Bears!

The Somiedo National Park is said to have many bears. Unfortunately, the season is not ideal as the bears apparently hide in the colorful forest. The traffic sign proves that there are bears.

Beware of Bears!


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