anne & ben um die welt
anne & ben um die welt

02/20/2023 to 02/22/2023 - Bocas del Toro / Panama

نشرت: 24.02.2023

At 7:30 AM we were picked up by a driver who was supposed to take us to Bocas del Toro in Panama. First, we went to a meeting point and then continued with 12 people in a minibus to the border. There, we got off with all our belongings and waited, not exactly sure for what. Then we eventually went to the border and collected the exit stamp from Costa Rica. We then crossed the border on foot, and collected the entry stamp into Panama. Back into another car, and after an hour of driving, we arrived in Almirante. Now I actually know where all our bananas come from, as we passed endless banana plantations and saw heaps of Chiquita containers ;-). In Almirante, we got out of the car and then hopped on a boat, a 30-minute ride to Bocas del Toro. This is the capital of the Bocas del Toro province, which consists of a part of the mainland and several islands off the Caribbean coast. We left our luggage with the agency we traveled with, chose one of the many restaurants before heading to one of the islands. We hopped on the next boat, and in 15 minutes, we arrived at our accommodation, the Ataraxia Guesthouse on Bastimentos Island. Bastimentos is one of the largest islands in Panama, covering 62 square kilometers. Our accommodation is located on a large property, hidden behind mangroves. We had to climb up a few flights of stairs to reach the restaurant. During dinner, we enjoyed a great view of the property and the green landscape.

The next day finally allowed us to sleep in, as breakfast is served until 9:30 AM. However, we still woke up at 8 AM because the sun woke us up. We then spent a relaxing day doing some vacation planning and preparation. In the afternoon, we walked north into the inner part of the island, then along the mangroves until we arrived at the town of Old Bank. A colorful town with many humble houses, but also some accommodations and restaurants, from which we chose one with a great view. We enjoyed a delicious meal and then took the water taxi back to our accommodation.

On February 22nd, it was time to pack our things and continue our journey, but before that, we had booked an excursion. We were picked up by boat, sailed between the islands, and watched dolphins. After spotting some animals, we went to Zapatilla Island. In fact, there are two uninhabited islands. Both are surrounded by a coral reef and are part of the Bastimentos Marine National Park. They are abundant with vegetation, and the beaches serve as nesting sites for four species of sea turtles during the rainy season. We went to Cayo Zapatilla No. 2. The island is about 34 hectares in size and we walked around it on a leisurely stroll. Our boat trip continued to a spot where we could eat, and then we were supposed to go snorkeling. We already left Cayo Zapatilla late, and our delay increased because other guests once again arrived late and our captain is the calmest person ever. It was shortly before 4 PM, and we were supposed to be back at the hotel by 4 PM to take a shower, collect our luggage, and be picked up at 4:30 PM. So, we got on another boat without snorkeling, which went straight back to Bocas del Toro, passing our hotel. So at 4:30 PM, we were where we weren't supposed to be yet, as our luggage was missing. We went to the person who organized our excursion and departure. He promptly called another captain, we went back to Ataraxia, quickly got the luggage, went back to the capital Bocas del Toro, got on the next boat to Almirante on the mainland, and rushed to the taxi at the bus station because our night bus was leaving at 6 PM. And it left right on time. Luckily, with us, we just made it, even though we were still salty from seawater. Now, we had to endure the night and arrive in Panama City in the morning.


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