
Nacpan-Calitang Twin Beach ( Palawan, Philippines )

نشرت: 28.05.2016

Nacpan- Calitang Twin Beach in Palawan. Almost only day tourism from el Nido (about 20km away), there are only 2-3 bungalow resorts and otherwise beautiful views, great water; unfortunately there are also some sandflies. There is also a small village that is very original and without any tourist infrastructure.

The highlight is the little hike to the viewpoint, from which you have a beautiful view of the double bay.

Viewpoint Nacpan- Calitang
Viewpoint Nacpan- Calitang

Viewpoint, Nacpan/ Calitang
Viewpoint, Nacpan/ Calitang

We spent 4 days at Jack's Place, enjoyed the feeling that this 4 km beach belongs to us. I would love to come back again and again.

For those who want to book Jack's Place... I recommend contacting via Facebook. Everything works wonderfully, no deposit is necessary, only 3 days before arrival the room must be confirmed again.

Home sweet Home- highly recommended
Home sweet Home- highly recommended

this is what paradise looks like
this is what paradise looks like

This paradise can be reached by tricycle, it is adventurous, first on a paved road and then on sandy tracks and in the end only on foot.

Please note, there are no opportunities to get money, if the money runs out, you have to go to El Nido (there are two ATMs there since this year)

إجابة (3)

Wow! Ich hätte nicht erwartet auf den Philippinen solche Strände zu sehen... Bestimmt nicht so Touristen-überflutet wie (leider) viele andere schöne Stränge!

ja, die Strände sind nen Traum und ich war nur auf Palawan....das ist nur eine von über 7000 Inseln. In den nächsten Tagen kommt noch mehr von den Phils :-) ein erstaunliches Land und so ganz anders als der Rest von Asien

Also wirst du jetzt 7000 Berichte schreiben, find ich gut ;-) Scherz beiseite, ich bin sehr gespannt auf weitere Eindrücke - hab grad noch den Beitrag über Manila durchgelesen, da kommt schon was rüber...