
Failed Arrival

نشرت: 03.05.2024


Slightly delayed departure from Bielefeld to Düsseldorf in bright sunshine.


Before the luggage drop-off, an elderly gentleman collapses, paramedics arrive. Everything is delayed. In the queue, I meet a couple who are flying to Thailand for their 30th wedding anniversary.


Announcement: Due to a storm, all flights are delayed indefinitely. The gates are bursting at the seams. The sky outside is black, it's pouring and lightning.

Storm warning for NRW


Boarding starts with a 2-hour delay.

I thought we were about to leave.


We roll onto the runway.


We roll back. Medical emergency on board: a hyperventilating woman is escorted off by paramedics. I explain the situation as best I can to the Russian couple next to me - she speaks a little German.


After another passenger exits and all hand luggage is checked twice, we take off with a 3-hour delay. It's already clear: I can forget about my connection in Istanbul.


Arrival in Istanbul. Where do I go? What do I do? A nice Dutch couple who know their way around adopt me.

Finally arriving somewhere


Arrival at the Hotel Hilton Garden - a 70s brown dream. On the shuttle bus, I chat with Björn, the red-haired doppelganger of my brother-in-law, who is actually on his way to Johannesburg with his girlfriend.

The hotel has the brown charm of something that was hip in the 70s


Finally in the room! I am just glad that I don't have to spend 15 hours at the airport, but can stay in the hotel until noon and get breakfast and lunch there. Then the shuttle takes me back to the airport.

Emergency accommodation could be worse

At 17:00 local time (Istanbul is an hour ahead), the next plane to Seoul takes off, so instead of Thursday evening, I arrive on Friday morning.

More after the next leg!

إجابة (5)

DasistTeilderReise!DasistTeilderReise! Jede Herausforderung, jede Begegnung macht dich jetzt schon reicher. Guten Morgen aus DD und eine glückliche Weiterreise, meine liebe Nina!

Hehe, danke liebe Uta! 😊 Sobald ich wusste dass es ein Bett und was zu essen gibt, war ich beruhigt!

anni (die kleinere)
Ohje. Was für ein Chaos, aber wie schön, dass du mit so viel verschiedenen Menschen in Kontakt gekommen bist. Meine Mama sagt immer: das wird schon alles seinen Grund haben. Manchmal bringen Schwierigkeiten auch ganz neue Abenteuer! Cool! 😎

So lange es etwas Leckeres zu essen gab, ist ja noch alles gut! 😋 Bist du denn inzwischen schon in Korea angekommen?

Die Reise startet ja direkt turbulent 🌪️Komme gut und sicher an ☺️

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